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U+Toastmasters Volunteer

"Battle of the Books versus Movies?" October 15 Gavel Meeting

Hey there, Gaveliers!

On October 15th we held our weekly Gavel Club meeting where the topic was “Books”.

Our Grammarian announced that the Word of the Day was “voracious”, which members were able to use a lot during Table Topics. During Table Topics, members were asked what their favourite book genre is, which writer they would like to one day meet, and if there is a character from a book whom they would like to meet. Members were also prompted to choose sides in the fiction vs. nonfiction debate, as well as the debate about which is better: the movie or the book?

Our evaluator gave great and valuable feedback to those who participated in Table Topics, explaining what they did strongly and what they could improve upon for future meetings.

Once the meeting had adjourned, members participated in yet another public speaking activity. Members were asked to predict the plot of the book presented to and create its synopsis, all by only looking at the book’s cover. This was to help the members work on their impromptu skills when presenting.

Our next regular meeting will be held on October 22nd where we will be discussing “Music”.

Stay tuned for more updates from our Gavel Club!

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